
Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Indonesia flora and fauna

Indonesia’s moderate climate throughout the year, its fertile soil brought about by lava, and its minerals found on land and in the sea caused by volcanic eruptions, have made this the ideal habitat for a large number of unique and endemic flora and fauna. Indonesia has among the most diverse variety of species of animal life on land and in the seas found anywhere in the world.

About Indonesia - Flora & FaunaIndonesia’s flora and fauna is divided by the “Wallace Line” that runs between Bali and Lombok, continuing north between Kalimantan and Sulawesi. West of the Line, vegetation and wildlife are Asian in nature, whereas east of the Line, these resemble those of Australia.

Vegetation found in different parts of the archipelago varies according to rainfall, soil and altitude. On the wetter islands, on Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua, ancient rainforests cover large areas. These forests are rich in valuable hardwood, aromatic and spice trees, as well as exotic fruit trees. Lately, however, through illegal logging and human settlements, large tracts of forests have been decimated leaving infertile land that cause flooding and erosions.

On the islands east of Bali known as the Nusatenggara islands (or once known as the Small Sunda Islands), there are savannahs, while on other mountain tops such as in the Mt. Gede National Park only 100 kms from Jakarta, one finds edelweiss, more reminiscent of Switzerland.
About Indonesia - Flora & FaunaIndonesia’s wildlife varies from the Java mouse deer (or kancil) and the one-horned rhino to the Sumatran and Kalimantan Orang Utan, the Sulwesi anoa (a small water buffalo), the prehistoric giant Komodo lizard to the exotic Bird of Paradise in Papua.

How about flora?. Here in Indonesia, you can find Raflesia Arnoldi in Bengkulu, one of the giant and unique flower in the world.
To preserve these unique flora and fauna Indonesia has designated 44 national parks throughout the archipelago, covering both land and sea, a large number of protected reserves offering ecotourism opportunities, as well as botanic gardens and zoos.

*__Hubungi Kami__*

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People and Culture

Living on more than 17,000 islands, the Indonesian nation today counts some 200 million population comprising more than 200 ethnic groups. After Independence in 1945 inter-marriages among people of different ethnic groups have welded the population into a more cohesive Indonesian nation.
The majority of the population embraces Islam, while in Bali the Hindu religion is predominant. Whereas in areas like the Minahasa in North Sulawesi, the Toraja highlands in South Sulawesi, in the East Nusatenggara islands and in large parts of Papua, in the Batak highlands as well as on Nias island in North Sumatra, the majority are either Catholics or Protestants. On the whole the Indonesian people are religious in nature.
And, true to the Pancasila, the five principles of nationhood, - namely Belief in the One and Only God, a Just and Civilized Humanity, the Unity of Indonesia, Democracy through unanimous deliberations, and Social Justice for all - Indonesian societies are open and remain tolerant towards one another’s religion, customs and traditions, all the while faithfully adhering to their own. The Indonesian coat of arms moreover bears the motto: Bhinneka Tunggal IkaUnity in Diversity.
Although today’s youth especially in the large cities is modern and follow international trends, yet when it comes to weddings, couples still adhere to traditions on the side of both the bride’s and bridegroom’s parents. So in a mixed ethnic wedding, the vows and wedding traditions may follow the bride’s family’s, while during the reception elaborate decorations and costumes follow the groom’s ethnic traditions, or vice versa. Weddings and wedding receptions in Indonesia are a great introduction to Indonesia’s many and diverse customs and traditions. Weddings are often also occasions to display one’s social status, wealth and fashion sense. Even in villages, hundreds or even thousands of wedding invitees line up to congratulate the couple and their parents who are seated on stage, and then enjoy the wedding feast and entertainment.
The Arts and Celebrations
The Indonesian archipelago harbours many ancient cultures that are rooted here, while throughout its history through centuries until today the islands have been influenced by Indian, Chinese, Arabic and European cultures, and lately also by the global popular culture, international travel and internet. Foreign cultures and traditions, however, are absorbed and assimilated by the people producing unique “Indonesian” creations found nowhere else in the world.
On 2 October 2009, UNESCO recognized Indonesia’s “Batik” as World Intangible Cultural Heritage, adding to the earlier recognized Indonesia’s “Keris” (the wavy blade dagger), and the “Wayang” shadow puppets. Further being considered as World Heritage is the “Angklung” bamboo musical instrument from West Java, being uniquely “Indonesian”.
Indonesia’s culture is indeed rich in the arts and crafts. In textiles, Sumatra produces some of the best gold and silver-thread woven sarongs, known as songket; South Sulawesi women produce colourful hand-woven silks, while Bali, Flores and Timor produce some of the best textiles from natural fibers using complicated motifs. In wood craft, Bali’s artisans produce beautiful sculptures, as do the Asmat in Papua, both traditional and modern, Central Java’s craftsmen produce finely carved furniture, while Bugis shipbuilders of South Sulawesi continue to build the majestic “phinisi” schooners that ply the Indonesian seas until today.
The large variety of different cultures and traditions throughout the country is also expressed in numerous exciting and interesting events, both religious and popular, that are held throughout the year. (See Calendar of Events).
Among these are the colourful religious Hindu Dharma ceremonies held continuously on Bali, the court processions during Sekaten in Yogyakarta, Java, preceding the birth date of the Prophet Mohammad, as well as the Tabot Festival in Bengkulu, Sumatra, a ceremony commemorating the role of Prophet Muhammad’s grandchildren, Hasan and Husein in spreading the faith. The Buddhist Vaisak Ceremonies are held yearly around Borobudur, as is the Chinese Toa Peh Kong festival in Manado, while the Feasts to the Dead are held in Toraja, both latter on the island of Sulawesi, and the Kasada ceremony is held annually at the end of the year on Mt. Bromo in East Java, the appease the ancestors and the mountain gods.
Then there are the exciting simulated tribal wars in the Wamena valley of Papua, the bull races on the island of Madura held as thanksgiving after the harvest, as well as the “nyale” festival in Lombok, to collect the sea worms that appear here each February only, and many more events on all islands. And to top it off is the event of complete silence called “nyepi” in Bali, the day of meditation for the entire island, when all lights, fires, sounds, including planes and cars are barred for 24 hours! The Balinese have mooted that “nyepi” becomes an international tradition that will greatly reduce pollution and global warming.
Indonesia is also strong in the performing arts. The beautiful Ramayana dance drama is enacted during the dry season at the large open stage at Prambanan near Yogyakarta under a tropical full moon and against the dramatic illuminated background of this 9th.century temple. Indonesia’s dances are colourful, dramatic or entertaining. They vary from the highly synchronized “saman” song and dance from Aceh, to the sedate and sophisticated court dances from Java accompanied by the liquid sounds of the gamelan orchestra, to the war dances of Kalimantan, Papua, and Sulawesi.
Chinese influence can be seen along the entire north coast of Java from the batik patterns of Cirebon and Pekalongan, to the finely carved furniture and doors of Kudus in Central Java, as also in the intricate gold embroidered wedding costumes of West Sumatra.
But Indonesia does not live in the past alone. Today, in music, in metropolitan Jakarta, the Java Jazz Festival is the annual meeting highlight for top international and Indonesian jazz musicians. Indonesia also boasts some of the best rock and pop bands and singers. Bands like Nidji, Ungu, Slang, Peter Pan and singing celebrities like Rossa, Agnes Monica, Kris Dayanti, Pasha, Ari Lasso, and many others, never fail to create a sensation wherever they appear in Indonesia as also in Malaysia and Singapore.

*__Hubungi Kami__*

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Discover Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed. Straddling the equator, situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, it is as wide as the United States from San Francisco to New York, equaling the distance between London and Moscow. Indonesia has a total population of more than 215 million people from more than 200 ethnic groups. The national language is Bahasa Indonesia.

Among the most well known islands are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (formerly Borneo), Sulawesi (formerly Celebes), the Maluku Islands (or better known as Moluccas, the original Spice Islands) and Papua. Then, there is Bali “the world’s best island resort” with its enchanting culture, beaches, dynamic dances and music. But Indonesia still has many unexplored islands with grand mountain views, green rainforests to trek through, rolling waves to surf and deep blue pristine seas to dive in where one can swim with dugongs, dolphins and large mantarays. 

Because of her location, and geology, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscape, from fertile ricelands on Java and Bali to the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, to the savannah grasslands of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped peaks of West Papua.
Her wildlife ranges from the prehistoric giant Komodo lizard to the Orang Utan and the Java rhino, to the Sulawesi anoa dwarf buffalos, to birds with exquisite plumage like the cockatoo and the bird of paradise. This is also the habitat of the Rafflesia the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an amazing variety of spices, and aromatic hardwood and a large variety of fruit trees. Underwater, scientists have found in North Sulawesi the prehistoric coelacanth fish, a “living fossil” fish, predating the dinosaurs living some 400 million years ago, while whales migrate yearly through these waters from the South Pole. Here are hundreds of species of colourful coral and tropical fish to admire.

Culturally, Indonesia fascinates with her rich diversity of ancient temples, music, ranging from the traditional to modern pop, dances, rituals and ways of life, changing from island to island, from region to region. Yet everywhere the visitor feels welcomed with that warm, gracious innate friendliness of the Indonesian people that is not easily forgotten.   

Facilities-wise Indonesia’s hotels are second to none. In fact, many of our luxurious and unique hotels have constantly been listed as some of the best in the world, located on white sandy beaches, overlooking green river valleys, or situated in the heart of busy capital Jakarta. While Indonesia’s cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, or Makassar are a hive of activities for business and leisure and a paradise for shoppers, offering upscale boutiques selling top brand names, to local goods at road-side stalls. Here gourmets can treat themselves to the many regions’ delectable spicy cuisine or dine sumptuously at international restaurants. And for sheer relaxation, Indonesia Spas are second to none to reinvigorate both body and mind.  

Convention centers are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, as many top international conferences and exhibitions are held in Jakarta, Bali to Manado, ranging from the Global Climate Change Conference in Bali to the World Ocean Conference in Manado , to trade and investment exhibitions and tourism trade shows in many provincial capital cities.

Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Padang, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar are connected by direct international flights, and many regular and low cost carriers fly passengers to Indonesia’s towns or remote locations.


*__Hubungi Kami__*

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Seminyak Beach area { Bali }

A few miles north of Kuta is Seminyak which is the hippest part of southern Bali. More upmarket than Kuta and home to Bali's best bars, clubs and restaurants with new places opening almost weekly. Creative energy is the phrase that best sums up Seminyak, energy which also extends to the fashion boutiques.

Cool comes at a price, featuring strongly are world class hotels and resorts located next to the beach. Expect prices to be a little higher than Kuta.

Seminyak Beach Attractions

Seminyak has become the second most preferred place for art lovers, after Ubud, and is home to a number of unique galleries that are worth a daytime visit. Located on the main roads of Jalan Raya Seminyak and Jalan Laksmana (otherwise known as Jalan Oberoi or by its nickname, Eat Street), you can find Biasa Art Space, Pura Petitenget Temple, Berawa Beach, notable galleries showcasing contemporary and classic styles of painting, drawing, sculpture, art, photography and installation, all-embracing themes such as social issues, sensuality, beauty and the Balinese landscape. Here you will find works from well-known Bali- and Java-based artists such as Wianta, Chusin Setiadikara (the Indonesian master of realism), Ugo Untoro and many more. For your outdoor viewing pleasure, Seminyak also has a beautiful, clean and quiet beach and a famous temple in Petitenget.

Biasa Art Space

Going on its name, Biasa Art Space should be ordinary. However, it really can’t be defined as such. This art space has been at the front line in promoting the young and talented Javanese and Balinese artists of the contemporary genre since 2005, and aims to be the nucleus where the creative, conceptual and avant-garde can be nurtured and supported. Biasa Art Space usually exhibits artwork of progressive and previously unexposed artists.

Pura Petitenget Temple

Although Pura Petitenget (found at the T-junction on Jalan Petitenget) is not as big and as popular as Bali’s other major temples of Pura Besakih, Pura Uluwatu and Pura Ulun Danu, it is famous for its legend. This temple is believed by Hindus to be one of nine pillars known as 'Kayangan Jagat', temples of nine wind eyes built in the 11th Century by Empu Kuturan (a Javanese Sage) who came to Bali bringing religious law and the formation of traditional villages.

The nine eyes are also believed to protect the island from southward threats through their intricate positioning. Another story relates that Pura Petitenget is known as the Temple of the Secret Box – a name inherited when a holy man from Java arrived in Bali intending to teach the Balinese community about good manners. He brought a box and accidentally left it behind when he returned to Java. The Balinese people, in fearfulness of the holy man, dared neither to touch nor open it, and so decided to build a temple around it. It’s your choice to either believe it or not, but be sure to stop by this temple on special occasions and holy days: you’ll witness a spectacular ceremony here.

Berawa Beach

Berawa Beach is situated at Banjar Brawa, Tibubeneng Canggu, about five kilometres from Seminyak. The beach is windy and fairly clean with light brown sand, and is an interesting spot for surfing, meditation, yoga and horse riding. Here, you can witness the daily life of typical fishermen who catch fish from their traditional boats.

Seminyak Beach

Located on the west coast of the southern region of Bali, to the north of Kuta and south of Umalas, Seminyak Beach is relatively quiet during the day. Its cool, sunny and breezy ambience provides a perfect site for hanging out with your friends, kite flying, sunbathing or swimming – but be sure to check the red flags displayed by lifeguards indicating a ‘No-Swim Zone’ before you jump into the ocean. Surfing in certain areas of the beach is allowed and you can rent surfing boards at the beach for same price as in Kuta.

Petitenget Beach

This beach is named after a nearby temple. The grey sand creates a mysterious look and tourists rarely come to visit, but since it’s located in a tranquil neighbourhood, this peaceful beach has become an alternative hideout venue from the crowds where you can swim, sunbathe, jog, meditate or meander along the waterfront before sunset.

Canggu Beach

There are no sun loungers and it’s almost hard to find hawkers peddling their wares here, so you won’t find the crowds lapping up the rays as in Seminyak or Kuta. The sand is black and hot and the water is not particularly good for swimming but it is good for surfing, especially for intermediate level surfers.

Echo Beach

Located not so far from Berawa Beach, to get here you have to keep going straight until you reach the sign for Echo Beach. This is a favourite beach for more proficient surfers and expats (although swimming is prohibited), as it is virtually deserted and very few vendors make it a peaceful place to relax. Although surfboards can be rented on the beach, most surfers arrive with their own boards. If you are not an advanced surfer, Echo Beach has a small strip of beachside warungs with standard fare and a fancy modern place called The Beach House which serves beer and food in a beautiful location to hang out in.

Seminyak Beach Activities

If the dining, shopping and spa attractions of Seminyak don’t quite manage to fill your day then maybe you need to go to Canggu Village and the neighbouring Umalas. Just a short drive from Seminyak’s main road, the beach is peaceful and quiet: it’s perfect for an early morn.

For intermediate surfers who wish to find a quieter beach to enjoy wave riding with fewer competitors, the beaches at Seminyak can be your best possible option. The beach is cleaner than Kuta, there are fewer beachside hawkers and the waves are their best for surfing in the early morning.

Horseback Riding

Another way to enjoy Bali’s beautiful scenery is to try horseback riding along the southern beaches and through the lush rice terraces of Kerobokan for a few hours – accompanied all the way by a professional guide who will put your comfort and safety first. This service is provided by Umalas Stable Equestrian.

The home for international standard horse facilities offers a selection of disciplines and size of mounts to suit your every riding need and to give you a truly enjoyable riding experience. If you are staying in Bali with your loved one, it could be a romantic activity just before sunset.


Over the last few years Bali has become the best spa destination in Asia, and there is a virtually endless range of spa choices in Seminyak so there’s no excuse not to pamper yourself with a rejuvenating Balinese massage, Balinese Boreh or creative signature treatment tailored to your needs by a professional therapist. Every spa facility offers unique treatments that are worth exploring.

A few notable spa facilities stretching along Jalan Raya Seminyak, Kunti and Laksmana that you can experience during your stay are the Moroccan-themed Prana Spa, Chill Reflexology, Espace Spa and Jari Menari Massage Centre (literally meaning dancing fingers, and it’s no wonder the centre won an award for its four-hand massage treatment from Singaporean M Spa Magazine) – where all the therapists are male.

The Samaya and Sofitel Seminyak provide oceanfront experiences, while luxurious spa treatments abound at Luxe Lounge Spa at Sentosa Villas and Studio 5 Spa & Caf?. Finally, Glo is famous for its nail art service and more affordable spa treatments & reflexology can be found at Soothe.

Family Club

Need a break from the beaches and shopping? Visit Canggu area, a district that lies midway between Seminyak and Tanah Lot which houses a family club sitting on over 3.5 hectares of land. Centred around a stylish plantation-style clubhouse, it provides a complete family club experience and facilities for hanging out, dining, sports, and leisure for all your family members.

The club is the first in Bali to introduce a professionally turfed and floodlit sports field. Other sporting facilities include a tennis and squash centre with four tennis and two squash courts, a 25-metre swimming pool and a gym and aerobics centre complete with audio visual entertainment. The younger ones will be spoiled for choice with the Splash Park, playground, playroom and den to choose from.
Location: Berawa Beach Canggu

Shopping in Seminyak Beach

The name 'Seminyak' and exclusive boutiques are almost inseparable. Over the last few years there has been a surge in new designer boutiques, unique furniture, handicraft and contemporary artwork. Seminyak is best regarded as serving up some glam tropical collections featuring ethnic chic designs, divine beading, and sequin work implemented in silks, sheer chiffons, natural fabrics and strong deep colours – perfect for Bali’s tropical climate and any summer day around the world.

Don’t forget to check out too the small selection of glamorous leather bags and shoes to match your stunning outfit for Seminyak day and night life. The shopping gauntlet starts on the corner of Legian Street and runs all the way to Laksmana Street.

Seminyak Beach Nightlife

Sophisticated and chic nightlife spots in Seminyak complement the stylish fashion boutiques, astonishing galleries, luxury spas and classy dining spots of the day. Even though there aren’t as many nightlife spots in Seminyak as in Kuta, most of the Lounges and Clubs offer elegant interior design with their daybed facilities, poolside bars, lively performances, sexy dancers and extensive array of fine quality cocktails, martinis, wines, champagnes and vodkas. Well-known international DJs twirl the tables to fill the air until dawn.

Sunset on Seminyak (SOS) at Anantara Seminyak Resort
Kudos Lounge & Bar
Q Bar
Hypnotique Cocktail Bar & Lounge Blurbs
Hu’u Bar
Obsession World Music Bar
Galaxy Bar & Nightclub at Galaxy Hotel

Hotels in Seminyak, Bali

Disini Luxury Villa
Seminyak,Beach , , forum duniaindonesia , Seminyak Beach
Agga Citta - $$$$
Abian Biu Residence - $$$
Anantara Resort Seminyak - $$$$$
Annora Bali Villas - $$$
Aria Luxury Villas & Spa - $$$$$
Aston Bhavana Villas - $$$$
Bali Island Villas-Seminyak Bali - $$$$
C151 Luxury Smart Villas Resort - $$$$$
Desamuda Village - $$$$
Disini Luxury Spa Villas - $$$$$
Grand Akhyati Villas & Spa - $$$$
Hotel Puri Madawi - $$$
Maya Loka Villas Bali - $$
Seminyak Paradiso Hotel - $$
The Chez Bali Villa - $$$

Seminyak Map

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detox web

Tanah Lot - Enjoying The Beatiful Sunset

Sightseeing is very convenient when enjoyed in the sun will sink or sunset, because the shadow of the sunset reflecting in the sea at the back of Tanah Lot will create beautiful scenery with a silhouette.

Tanah Lot Temple is sea temple a place of worship the gods of the sea and guard one part of Sad Kahyangan Temple, Temples are that the joints island of Bali. Here are two located at Temple on a large rock, one located above the boulder and the other is located on the cliffs similar to Uluwatu Temple.

tanah lotAccording to legend, this temple was built in the 16th century by Danghyang Nirartha, a Brahmin pilgrims from Java, who managed to strengthen the belief of the Balinese Hindus will be teaching and developing these Sad Kahyangan (heaven). Bendesa Beraben, Tanah Lot is the ruler at that moment envied Danghyang Nirartha as most followers of the ruler of the land lots began to leave the leader and turn to Danghyang Nirartha. Finally Bendesa Beraben asked Dahyang Nirartha to leave the Tanah Lot. But before leaving Tanah Lot, Danghyang Nirartha use its power to move the boulder into the middle of the beach and to build temple there. Danghyang Nirartha also change the scarf that has become a snake temple guard, who was still alive and still exists today. This snake scientifically including sea snakes that have the characteristics of a flat tail like a fish, striped black and yellow and has a poison 3 times stronger than a cobra, but has its own mystical value. According to people belief, if there are people who come to intend evil, the snake will show up in the form of a giant snake around the Tanah Lot Temple. If you want to see the snake, you can ask permission to Pedanda (Temple guards priest) because not everyone can see these mythical snake. In addition, here is the source of water which according to belief will make us stay young when washing the face with water. Temple ceremony or feast day is celebrated in this temple every 210 days, the same as pretending to others. The ceremony close to the celebration of Galungan and Kuningan, precisely at the Buddhist Holy Day Cemeng Langkir. At that time, people will be busy praying at Temple is.

tanah lotNorth of Tanah Lot temple is any temple located on the cliff that jutted into the sea. This cliff temple connect with the land and shaped like a bridge. Tanah Lot, famous as a beautiful place to watch the sunset. Will usually bustling tourist arriving in the afternoon to see the beauty of the sunset here.

Beraban village, district of Kediri, Tabanan regency, around 13 km west of Tabanan.

*__Hubungi Kami__*

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Sanur Beach - Enjoy The Sun Rises In The Morning And Sunset In The Evening

Sanur beach has a length of 3 kilometers, is the edge of the Indonesia Ocean has a beach facing to east. Sanur Beach is famous for white beaches are clean and soft, it is said if walking on sand beach without wearing footwear, will be able to cure the rheumatic pain.

Sanur Beach is famous since ancient times, when there is a war of Puputan Badung on September 20, 1906, when Dutch troops landed there. In the world of Tourism, Sanur beach was first introduced by the Belgian painter named A.J Le Mayeur and his wife, Ni Polok. They settled in sanur area since 1937 and held his own painting exhibition.

Sanur beach area is an alternative for tourists who want to avoid the frenzied feel like Kuta, Legian or Seminyak. In this area calm and comfort is the first priority. Sanur Beach is the right place where you can enjoy the sunrise in the morning while enjoying the beauty of the sunset in the evening. This beach resort is perfect for a family holiday in Bali, with the calm atmosphere of the beach and the waves are not too big, make Sanur beach is perfect for doing activities such as swimming, surfing, snorkeling, diving, fishing, canoeing, sea bathing and parasailing activities. Lane to the beach sports activities such as beach volleyball, etc.

Sanur BeachThe beauty of Sanur is on the north circular and semicircular southern part turned from East to West. Seawater wave was not so big and when the seawater at low tide, the rocks under the sea will look colorful. In the afternoon, the scenery will look more beautiful, because when the sea water receded and the waves are usually only a small ripple, across the sea will be visible group of Serangan islands and hills attack rocks jutting into the sea. Southeast of Sanur beach, we'll see a cluster of Nusa Penida Island. And east Sanur beach, can see the view of the south coast of Bali with the mountain.

East of the city of Denpasar, about 17 km from the city of Denpasar. Precisely in the village of Sanur, the City of Badung, Denpasar.

*__Hubungi Kami__*

- HP: # wa : +6281999650025
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detox web

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Ujung Kulon National Park The Last Sanctuary of The Javan Rhinos

Ujung Kulon National Park The Last Sanctuary of The Javan Rhinos

The last sanctuary of the Javan rhinoceros, the Ujung Kulon National Park is the triangular peninsula situated at the south western-most tip of Java. Ujung Kulon is Indonesia’s first and prime National Park, which was designated as a nature reserve since 1921. This is the largest remaining lowland tropical rainforest ecosystem in West Java. And, together with the awesome Krakatau volcano the 137,000 hectares Park was declared Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Ujung Kulon is the habitat of the rhino (badak) of which only 60 survive today. Seeing one of these animals is very rare since they are shy and are traceable only at night. Here also roam free some endangered animals like leopard cats, gibbons, long-tailed macaques, leaf-monkeys, crocodiles, muntjaks, mousedeer and herds of grazing wild oxen. In the Park’s surrounding seas are found the great clam, clown fish, angel fish, parrot fish, mudskippers which can climb trees, and archer fish, which spit water up to a height of more than two meters to catch insects.
Getting There

From Jakarta, you can drive to Serang (Banten Province) via highway, then continue to Labuan, which will take approximately 1.5 hours. Ujung Kulon can be reached by chartered speedboat from Labuan to Pulau Peucang, which takes about 5 hours. Or you can travel for 3.5 hours by car from Labuan to Tamanjaya,where the excursion into the park usually starts.

A number of tour companies in Jakarta organize visits to Krakatau and Ujung Kulon.

To Do

The Ujung Kulon Park is also rich in plant life. It has 700 species of plants with some 57 categorized as endangered species, including various species of orchids.

Visitors to the Park may enjoy fast flowing rivers, waterfalls, white sandy beaches, thermal springs, and beautiful sea gardens

Best site to observe animals is at Handeuleum Island. From here one can further explore rivers and mangrove forests. While Peucang Island is ideal for snorkeling, diving and fishing with its clear blue water, white beaches and coral reefs.

To Stay

Accommodation is available on Peucang Island and at Handeuleum.


Best time to visit the Ujung Kulon Park is between April through September. To enter the Park a permit is required obtainable at the Forestry and Nature Protection office in Labuan.

For information and Permit contact the Office at:
Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan no. 51,
Labuan Pandeglang 42264
Tel.: 82-253-801731; Fax: 61-253-804651
email: btnuk[at]

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